Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Rocco: 18 months

Happy year and a half to The Baby. I took him to his Well Child Check today and he's 27.5 lbs (that's including his Binky) and 30 something inches. Both 85%. He is following his brother in the 90% for head! We are so grateful for a healthy little rascal. 

He is saying some words now. Super fun. Momma, hi, oh-uh, all done, hot, sat (what's that?), he also points to the light and says 'sat' who knows what 'sat' really means, no, woof (when he sees a dog), yuck, more (he signs that one), sometimes it sounds like he says "sys" for Silas, Dada, ball. He understands a lot of commands too which is super helpful when he's screaming in the car and I say, "Where is your binky?" and he searches around for it and shoves it in his mouth once he's found it at the end of the clip. Our first binky kid and I'm totally obsessed.

I think he can do just about every thing he isn't supposed to do. Open doors, flush toilets, push buttons in the car, steal toothbrushes, throw toilet paper in toilets, color on and in toilets, hide shoes, rip book pages, dump out the recycling, take the garbage bag out of the garbage, take pants and diaper off, hold breath until he passes out, you name it! The fun things he does are snuggle the stuffed animal (a personal fave), feed himself with utensils (he isn't saying much, but his hand-eye coordination makes up for it), throws away dirty diapers, gives hugs and kisses, pages through his favorite animal books, dances to music, plays peek-a-boo and wrestles. 

This child's eczema is my biggest nemesis. I've been battling it for several months and in the process have pulled wheat, dairy, peanuts and eggs from his diet. It has help a ton, but he still has minor flare ups and it's not cured yet. I have heard differing opinions so I'm just kind of trying everything. So with that, he eats a lot of gluten free bread and sunbutter. He loves those baby food pouches. Lara Bars are usually a hit. Cereal, oatmeal, most all fruits, some veggies (cucumbers, and an occasional green smoothie if Dad shares his), he was loving those gluten and dairy free burritos, but then I got wind that if I cut out peanuts I should also cut out all legumes, so bye bye beans too. He does like meat. Loves rice and spaghetti. Sometimes I feel like I feed him the same foods over and over, but as I type this up I don't feel as trapped. He is picky though. One day he'll chow down cucumbers, the next they'll end up on the floor. It's fun!

Most days he takes one long nap. 2-3hrs. Some days he's a mess by 10am and knowing I have to pick up Veda by 11:30 and wanting to avoid a car nap I put him down for an hour in the morning and then another hour later in the afternoon. He goes to bed somewhere between 7 and 8pm and sleeps 10.5 to 12 hours. I'd say more often than not he's up in the middle of the night. I was just telling his pediatrician that we have to sleep train him like every six weeks. It's ridiculous. We go out of town, or he gets sick, or I get lazy and let him sleep with me at 2am when I hear him cry and BAM he thinks he owns the night. Overall he is fully capable of sleeping 12 hours overnight. Those are my favorite nights! I still rock him to sleep and I love every second of it!

Getting in the car seat. Once he's in he's usually golden (unless he's hungry), but getting him to bend his body and sit in the car seat is a battle 99% of the time. Sometimes giving him a toy or food works to distract him so I can get him to sit, but it's never a guarantee. On the weekends it's Joe's job to get Rocco in his car seat when he go places. It's a welcomed break for me. He hates being held or in a stroller/cart when he needs to be contained (swimming lessons, grocery store, Target) and loves to be held while I'm making a meal or getting the kids ready for school in the morning. It's comical! Cartoons do nothing or him. Not even Elmo. And if Veda smothers him he will let it be known that he is not having it. I'm happy he's got himself a back bone and limits!

Gum (you have no idea how many times he's gotten into my gum and eaten a few pieces including the wrappers), music (sometimes it's the only thing that soothes/distracts him), wrestling, animals (books or the real things. He has no fear no matter the size of the animal. He stuck his hand in a sheep's mouth at the petting zoo.), his binky, my phone and of course his family! He lights up when he sees the kids each morning.

We love you Boo! You are our stinker-doo! 

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