Monday, October 19, 2015

Last and First

The last day of school. What a wonderful (and fast) year. Silas' teacher gave me a big hug as she dismissed him from her class for the last time. We both cried. She was such a wonderful and nuturing guide to him over the last two years. Although he strugged with some academic concepts, she saw his sweet nature and encouraged his strengths. We feel so blessed to have had her as Silas' teacher.

Veda did awesome as well. She did 5 half days of school and I'd occasionally let her stay for for a full day. She made a lot of great friends and excelled in her school work.

 Some kids feeding the Alpac's at the end of the year picnic. It's always entertaining when the kids come home from school and tell me the got to walk the donkey. ;)

First day of school this year. Same shirt for Silas!

This guy is now in first grade (Lower Elementary class 1st-3rd graders). And as you can see, he's thrilled to be in elementary. It's a big deal to be a big kid!

Veda is back in Ms Molly's class for year two of her three year cycle. She loves her teachers and her friends, but "mom when do I get to go to a new classroom???" She is envious of Silas' big kid status. Veda started out five half days at school again, but I quickly added two full days. She gets bored at home with me in the afternoons. Having her two full days cuts down on my driving AND it gives me to afternoons where I get some down time (assuming Rocco takes a good nap). She also thrives off the socail aspect of school and it's such a great outlet for her. Veda contiues to blow us away with her reading and writing skills. The two kids could not be more opposite in just about everything. And it is so cool to see their strengths shine through and their passions being encouraged at school.

One, Two, Three....JUMP!

Rocco is kickin' at home with me all day. I've finally wised up and realized that the kid just doesn't like to be at home. Or in our living room. If I take him upstairs to play in the bedrooms he does much better. But I've been trying to go somewhere each morning to keep in occupied. And if all goes as planned, he takes a long afternoon nap. I have to find the balance because sometimes I wear him out too much and he falls asleep on the way to pick up Veda at 11:30am. And then his nap is dunzo. It's an always changing, ever evolving cycle with kids. Just when you think you're in a good rhythm, BAM, something changes.

So here we are plugging through the school year. I feel like, beacuse of the deep rooted routine, the days and weeks go by so fast. It makes the weekends that much sweeter, though. We are much more intentional with our time on the weekends and have enjoyed doing big kid things with the big kids. It's a whole new world having school aged kids. The humor, the activities, the special moments, I am loving it more than I imagined. But, don't grow up too fast little ones, this momma still loves her snuggles!

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