Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Veda turns 4

Veda woke up this morning a four year old! The birthday fairy did not disappoint and left her room filled with pink streamers and balloons. She was literally shaking with excitement.

 Lots of her classmates were surprised she was only turning four (she's one of the mature ones at school!) and I kind of agree with them sometimes. I feel like she can be a wise little soul at times with mature mannerisms. Blows me away. She spent the majority of the last year telling people, "I'm three now!" It will be a little sad not hearing those words come out of her mouth anymore. Weird. She will never be three again. For whatever reason I am having a hard time with this age jump. Maybe it's just my lack of sleep, but I don't remember being so sentimental with any other birthday for the kids.

Today in the car she announced that since she is four no longer needs daddy to rock her before bed. I told her daddy would be sad and that she in fact did need him to rock her before bed. He agreed with me! She can grow up, but not that fast. 

In the last several months I feel like Veda has turned really girly. It's so much fun. She has really gotten into princess everything and loves pink, ruffles and anything sparkly. She likes to put on my lipstick or sparkle lotion and usually likes me to do her hair pretty for school. She is even into wearing dresses and skirts. As a little toddler she was so rough and tumble (and still is) that I wondered if she would be a tomboy all the way. I wouldn't mind either way, but it's fun to have the girly side in common with her. 

She is not into dolls much. She will take the Barbie out once in a while and just try to layer her clothes. But that's about it for dolls. She mainly does whatever Silas does. He will draw a machine on a paper and then so will she. I doubt she would be so into drawing machines and maps had it not be for Silas. But she is venturing more into the typical girl drawings of flowers, suns and rainbows. It's super sweet!

Veda loves to play with people and rarely plays alone (unless she is doing a craft). I often find her and Silas playing imaginary games (pirates, dogs, house, sleepover), building forts or chasing each other around the kitchen. Her favorite thing is to play duck duck gray duck and ring around the rosie with Joe in the basement. 

She likes school a lot and has a bundle (BUNDLE) of energy. The girl never walks anywhere, it's always running. No wonder she consumes more calories than I do in a day! I feel like she will be the kid that will really benefit from organized sports. It will be a good outlet for her energy in an organized (she needs organization!) way. She is very coordinated and pretty competitive so we'll see where that takes her. And neither of those qualities did she get from me!

Veda is just as sweet as she is sassy. We will get a surprise hug or kiss ("Close your eyes") or often a special craft made just for one of us. We also get lots of demands and meltdowns. Take the good with the bad ;)

And one thing that is of late is her ability to maker her own sandwich. It's pretty amazing. It's also pretty messy. But if she's hungry she will grab the bread, peanut butter and jelly and go to town. I'm totally fine with the mess because I just am and also because it's a double whammy....she entertains herself as she makes the sandwich and I also don't have to make the sandwich. Winning!

This girl is great. She is amazingly unique and I wouldn't change a thing. As she matures a little I see glimpses of her older self and I get excited for the older years. I don't want to rush a thing as time flies too fast as it is, but it's always nice to have something to look forward to. 

Love you sweet sweet Wayda Wayda! God gave you special to me!

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