Sunday, November 23, 2014

SIX months

We will call this six and a half months. I had drafted up half of a six month post and accidentally posted it a few weeks ago. This will be the real one. Some photos were taken right at six months, others more like six and a half.

Serious face, neck rolls, pouty lips, dimply butt. This is a fun age. Rocco is super interactive now and it's the best. We can easily make him giggle (usually the kids do!) and he flashes us a big smile when one of us walks into the room he is in.

He likes to hang out on his tummy with his arms flailing around. Or on his back in a V sit. He doesn't seem to relax much unless he's being held. But he does give the best hugs and kisses!

He was 19lb 2oz and 28 inches at his 6 months well child check. We have him back on his reflux meds so we can all stay sane. They don't seem to upset his stomach anymore. So glad about that. 

He is a horrible sleeper. I got him in a bad habit of sleeping next to me. No my arms! And while he will start the night in his crib, if he gets up and I feed him late night (11 or midnight) he won't go back in his crib without a fight. Exhausted me takes the path of least resistance and carts him in bed with me. It's sweet to snuggle your baby all night, but when he wiggles half the night and/or wants to eat it gets to be a long and exhausting night. And then day. And then night again. And then I lose my cool and am a hot mess. I have been planning to sleep train him for a month. And then I realize I'm so tired that I can't emotionally handle listening to my baby cry at night. And the cycle continues.

six and a half months
Anywho, moving on to more exciting things. Rocco sits up on his own now. It was maybe at six months one week that he figured out how to do it for more than a few seconds. He can balance well now and I can sit him on the floor with toys and walk away. He is pretty content playing that way. He is not crawling yet. but he will pull himself with his arms across the room. I don't need gates up quite yet.

Thankfully he does pretty well in the car, because I drive the same roads with him 30 times a week as I haul the big kids to and from school. I have to rip him from a nap to pick one of them up more often than I'd like, but overall he is doing well with the 'on the go' lifestyle. 

I feel like Rocco is still pretty finicky or else Joe has a hard time reading his needs, because Joe is not his favorite person. I mean, he loves his dad and lights up when he comes home from work, but the two of them don't get along real well for an extended period of time. Before I know it Rocco will be wanting to spend more time with Joe than myself so I'm not to upset about being the preferred parent!

Well, that was a fast six months. I know the next six will fly by even faster. I'm holding on tight this first year with our baby Rocco-Bear and loving every second with his sweet face. Like I always tell him, God gave him special to me and I couldn't be happier!

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