Sunday, December 14, 2014

Birthdays and Being Thankful

This blog is getting put on the back burner. I can't keep up! Here is a small recap of the last month. Joe and I celebrated our birthdays together at Solera with some friends. 
Me and some girls. I have been blessed with great friends and couldn't be more thankful!

The one photo of us on that night.

And Veda's family party at home. We ate pizza and cake, she blew out four candles and opened presents. I think celebrating the kids' birthdays is more exciting for me than my own. We decorate their room so they wake up to balloons and streamers. It's the best hearing their reaction in the morning. My little naked hippie birthday girl. :)

And her friend party at a gymnastics gym (again!). I threw the same party for her two years in a row. I am no Martha, that's for sure, but the kids loved it!

And then there was Thanksgiving smashed between a few birthdays. Family games and everyone is beyond excited. Wink wink!

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