Monday, April 6, 2015

11 months

Here we are rounding the corner to the one year mark and I'm getting a little emotional. It's like I spent most of this year treading water and, in some senses, just waiting for time to pass and for things (Rocco) to get easier. And now that we're at the eleven month mark I can't believe how fast time has gone. I vividly remember sitting in the hospital bed holding a brand new baby and telling myself to remember this moment because his first year will go by so fast. On the one hand I really couldn't imagine that sweet tiny baby being one whole year, but on the other hand I knew that time would speed by.

And now we're here. Woah!

Rocco is in the early phases of walking. A few weeks ago he took his first step (IN THE BATH TUB!). He's a bath tub stander like his older sister. After that one step we didn't see much walking action until yesterday. He took another step. And this morning he took three. I'm looking forward to a stable walker, especially with the nice weather ahead. Playing outside upright is a lot easier than crawling in the mud and grass.

He says 'hi' and waves. And we think he says 'hi dadda' (or his version of it) when Joe leaves for work in the morning. Whatever he says, he repeats it. He will raise his hands over his head for 'so big' and 'all done'. I love how their arms are barely long enough to go over their heads at this age! Rocco will play a form of peek-a-boo. Hands on head or ears (instead of over eyes). :)

Rocco is talking a lot (baby gibberish) and has a lot of expression is his 'words'. He copies us. If I am snapping gum he will click his tongue. And he'll clap if we are all clapping. And he dances. He loves it when I put toddler music on Pandora. It's a good distraction on crabby days!

Four teeth on top, two on bottom. I feel like most of this month has been spent teething. Not a favorite milestone of mine.

I can't forget to mention that Rocco can go down the stairs backwards now. He seems to have some depth perception as he hasn't tried to go down the stairs head first yet. And he can sense the edge of a bed. But I don't trust him enough to leave him upstairs alone for long.

Easter pictures in the front yard were a tad bit stressful this year. Baby was tired and just plain old not having it. Thankfully the two big kids were enjoying the camera. And while Veda insisted on wearing that yellow flower in her hair, I was able to talk her out of her Frozen jewelry.

This is what eleven months looks like on Rocco. He's still excited about his Christmas Jammies and is a sweet as honey!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Fun update! What a sweet boy!