Tuesday, August 5, 2014

3 months

The baby is three months. That's huge! He is getting and looking bigger to me lately. Rocky rolls both ways, he giggles and babbles, he's ticklish and hates when I pick his cradle cap!

He's a pretty good night sleeper. I get up once or twice to feed him and he goes right back to bed. Usually he ends up in bed with me after his early morning feeding. Last night was his first night in his room and crib. It was a last minute decision (he is growing out of the rock n play ) so we had to get creative with a fan (used a humidifier for noise) and darkening curtains (dark sheet). He did well last night. Woke up once and then I ended up in Veda's bed with him as Veda crawled in our bed at some point.

Rocky is easy to please and he doesn't get mad often, but when he does he is hard to settle down. I've had to distract him by giving him a bath a few times to settle him down. Speaking of, he rarely gets bathed. It's been at least two weeks since his last one. ;)

He is unlike my other two as he is not obsessed with food. I remember S and V both were hungry all the time and would suck down their bottles. Sometimes I need to remind Rocky to eat. But I notice he will do make-up feedings if he was too distracted to eat over a long period. Less scheduled, but it works. And a shout out to Lindsey B for providing milk for the little guy. Her milk producing skills are impeccable so she gives me her extras. We are so thankful!!

Rocky might sleep decent at night, but his naps are lame. Unless I'm holding him, of course. And we are still driving with all the windows down so the baby doesn't scream.

The bouncy seat is his favorite he's drooling and chewing on his fists like crazy. I'm guessing I'll see teeth soon.

He is still working on liking dad to hold him for more than 5 minutes. He does flash a lot of dimple-y grins to his kin, tho.

We love you big guy! 

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Old enough for trips to the gym with dad right:)?!