Friday, March 13, 2015

Ten Months

Ten months, this boy!

Not a whole lot has changed in the last month.

Rocco can now stand on his own and I feel like he's just days (weeks) away from taking a step. He likes to push things around the house while walking. Since we don't have any push toys he sticks to pushing chairs.

Rocco also is eating better. He doesn't scream and throw his head back two bites into a meal. He does have an opinion about food and sometimes I need to sneak spoon fulls of puree food in while he's plucking up finger foods. But overall he is trying new foods and eating on his own.

Naps have also improved. He is napping longer (especially on the weekends) and sleeping better at night (I think). We still have our rough nights now and again, but those nights are usually my fault to some degree (didn't put a night diaper on him and he's soaked...)

We are enjoying his sweet face and loving personality every day. Lots of smiles and hugs for me and lots of hair pulling and tackles for the kids. And when Joe walks in the door after work Rocco usually perks up to his voice and bolts to him. Sweetest baby we know!

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