Tuesday, January 13, 2015

8 months

8 months!

Right over Christmas Rocco learned how to crawl and pull himself up. He has been much more content during the day now that he has more freedom to explore. And this picture pretty much sums him up ;)

Rocco is into everything and I hear a lot of "Moooom, get him away!" from the big kids ;)

We also tried sleep training again and this time it's working. He's no longer consuming 12-16 ounces of milk over night and I'm finally feeling a sense of freedom. You see, he was relying on me to sleep. So I was going to bed with him and waking with him and I about lost my mind from never having any down time during the day. Anyway, he is sleeping in his crib and almost through the night. But of course, one of the big kids has ended in our bed at some point every night since we kicked Rocco out. Ha! 

He has been eating lots more during the day now that he spends more time sleeping at night and not eating. A lot of solids, although he's moody about what he eats and when. He does ok with flavor, but prefers baby oatmeal. Or teething biscuits. 

I wish I could say he has a schedule, but driving kids to and from school kind of rules our days. He does well being transferred from a nap to his car seat, so that helps. He's super heavy in his infant seat, but he sleeps well in there so I'm hesitant to move him to a convertible car seat. Giving my arms a workout in the meantime!

I'd say he's my friendliest baby! Loves people and is super quick to smile. Like I always tell him, he's my favorite baby of all the babies in the land ;)

Love you Boops!! 

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