Wednesday, October 8, 2014

5 months

And we still aren't sure if he's a Rocco or a Rocky. I guess we'll see what sticks as time goes on. 

He is a handsome little guy. His eyes are so charming to me. He's doing all of the regular five month things. Which we are so grateful for a healthy and happy baby. I fed him rice cereal today. It went alright. He has been so interested in my food lately; eyeing it up, reaching for it, that I decided that it was time. And I am also hoping that it might aid in his night time sleep. I think it's just an old wives tail. About feeding the baby rice so he sleeps through the night. But I'm desperate!

 He is rolling all over and blabbing. He is definitely napping better. On a perfect day he'll take a morning, afternoon and late afternoon nap. Preferably each nap would be 2 hours, but a perfect day has yet to happen. It's touch especially when I have to pick up Veda at 11:30 and Silas at 3 and he likes to fall asleep about 15 minutes before I have to leave. Not ideal, but he's still small enough to take a long nap in his car seat.
I swear he gets most of his calories between 11pm and 6am. I know, send help! He is a reflux kid and I think that eating isn't high on his priority list during the day so he makes up for it at night. I've tried offering him food more often and all the like, but nothing helps much. Meds seem to make him more fussy as they irritate his tummy. I keep reminding myself that this is just a phase. A tired phase, but a phase. 

Thankfully he is happy. He is super ticklish and giggles at the slightest grazing of a finger on his back. It's the best! He gets excited and kicks his feet when he sees a bottle or someone he likes. He still wiggles and wiggles most of his awake time. I'm really looking forward to him being able to sit on his own. He will hang out in the jump-a-roo for a little while. The Bumbo is not his favorite and he's getting too big for the bouncy seat. He is grabbing for toys and playing (eating) them. It's fun to see him make the connection. And he got a tooth! Bottom right. He has a love/hate relationship with Sophie the giraffe and those teething necklace beads. He will gnaw on them and rub them across his gums to the point of tears and frustration. So those toys get played with in moderation. 

I feel like all of a sudden he went from being a little infant to being a hip baby. I carry him on my hip. It's a fun stage. And if he could figure out how to make it at least 6 hours at night it would be even more fun!

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